As we continue navigating the COVID-19 pandemic, many people seek traditional, medical, holistic, and alternative solutions for warding off the easily transmissible virus and staying as safe and healthy as they possibly can. More people than ever began turning to pro-nutritional products for help improving their physical health and controlling their weight. Some of the more popular products for weight management and enhanced health include dietary, mineral, and vitamin supplements. Nutritional supplements typically contain nutrients and botanical ingredients like proteins, herbs, minerals, and vitamins to enrich diets. Now, more people are using vitamins to leverage their immune system-boosting properties.

Vitamins C and D, melatonin, zinc, and plant-based compounds like curcumin and green tea are the subjects of current scientific studies aiming to investigate their potential benefits against COVID-19 and continue growing in popularity and consumption. Data shows that the nutritional supplement industry in the United States rose 14.5 percent last year, primarily due to the ongoing pandemic. Considering the growth this industry experiences, starting a supplement company may be a lucrative idea for aspiring business owners. Described below is everything you need to know to get your supplement company up and running.

Gain an understanding of the market and your competition.


To start your supplement company, begin with conducting thorough market research. Market research can provide insight into the industry’s profitability and stability and provide invaluable information regarding the performance of your competitors and your consumers’ purchasing habits. If you evaluate the market, you’ll know which goods and services sell well and which ones people hardly purchase. Likewise, you can find out where customers buy products, how much competing businesses charge, and what beneficial claims competitors make about their supplements. Leveraging your industry knowledge can help you make the best decisions regarding the direction and expansion of your business.

Collaborate with a credible supplement manufacturer.


As you conduct background information, be sure to research professional nutritional supplement manufacturers and identify and select a reputable manufacturing company to create your products. Enlisting the services of a trusted supplement manufacturer is the best way to guarantee that your product’s safety and quality will be top-notch and adhere to guidelines set by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Whether your health products will be probiotics or prebiotics or will target weight loss or bodybuilding, the best manufacturers create safe, custom, one-of-a-kind powders, capsules, liquids, soft gels, and more. The right supplement manufacturers can boost your brand recognition and set your products apart from the competitors with in-house label design services.

Determine the best marketing tactics to implement.

When starting your supplement company, you’ll need to market your products and brand to increase their visibility and your consumers’ awareness. Depending on the tactics you use, your marketing can be as indispensable as the products themselves. To market your company, consider using a combination of traditional and digital advertising methods. For example, tangible marketing items, such as business cards, pens, T-shirts, tote bags, and more, never go out of style. Include your company’s name, logo, slogan, phone number, address, business email address, and social media accounts on your advertising materials. Implement digital marketing methods, too, especially when running an online store. Advertising through social media ads enables you to catch web users’ eyes, boosting your sales.

It’s essential to your business to remember that when marketing your products, provide consumers and potential customers with the information they’ll find important. Explaining the ingredients in your products, offering healthy suggestions for using your supplements, and consistently demonstrating accurate information and transparency can impress your customers. Consumers will know what to expect when purchasing your supplements, and ultimately, they’ll feel they can trust your brand—a key to lasting success.